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'Pataphysics : A Useless Guide download ebook FB2, PDF, TXT


Of all the French cultural exports over the last 150 years or so, 'pataphysics--the science of imaginary solutions and the laws governing exceptions--has proven to be one of the most durable. Originating in the wild imagination of French poet and playwright Alfred Jarry and his schoolmates, resisting clear definition, purposefully useless, and almost impossible to understand, 'pataphysics nevertheless lies around the roots of Absurdism, Dada, futurism, surrealism, situationism, and other key cultural developments of the twentieth century. In this account of the evolution and influence of 'pataphysics, Andrew Hugill offers an informed exposition of a rich and difficult territory, staying aloft on a tightrope stretched between the twin dangers of oversimplifying a serious subject and taking a joke too seriously. Drawing on more than twenty-five years' research, Hugill maps the 'pataphysical presence (partly conscious and acknowledged but largely unconscious and unacknowledged) in literature, theater, music, the visual arts, and the culture at large, and even detects 'pataphysical influence in the social sciences and the sciences. He offers many substantial excerpts (in English translation) from primary sources, intercalated with a thorough explication of key themes and events of 'pataphysical history. In a Jarryesque touch, he provides these in reverse chronological order, beginning with a survey of 'pataphysics in the digital age and working backward to Jarry and beyond. He looks specifically at the work of Jean Baudrillard, Georges Perec, Italo Calvino, J. G. Ballard, Asger Jorn, Gilles Deleuze, Roger Shattuck, Jacques Prévert, Antonin Artaud, René Clair, the Marx Brothers, Joan Miró, Max Ernst, Marcel Duchamp, James Joyce, Flann O'Brien, Raymond Roussel, Jean-Pierre Brisset, and many others.

Ebook Andrew Hugill - 'Pataphysics : A Useless Guide in MOBI, EPUB

Architects could build abroad in styles never sanctioned at home, resulting in unusual and sometimes outlandish designs intended to express an "open" America overseas.Originally a narrow specialty within emergency medicine, the field now extends to trauma psychology, military psychiatry and behavioral health, post-traumatic stress and stress disorders, trauma social work, disaster mental health, and, most recently, the subfield of history and trauma, with sociohistorical examination of long-term effects and meanings of major traumas experienced by whole communities and nations, both natural (Pompeii, Hurricane Katrina) and man-made (the Holocaust, 9/11).The three main topics are: Scalable Analog Circuit Design High-Speed D/A Converters RF Power Amplifiers Other topics covered before in this series: 2000 High-Speed Analog-to-Digital Converters Mixed Signal Design PLL s and Synthesizers 1999 XDSL and other Communication Systems RF MOST Models Integrated Filters and Oscillators 1998 1-Volt- Electronics Mixed-Mode Systems Low-Noise and RF Power Amplifiers for Telecommunication vii viii 1997 RF A-D Converters Sensor and Actuator Interfaces Low-Noise Oscillators, PLL s and Synthesizers 1996 RF CMOS Circuit Design Bandpass Sigma Delta and other Converters Translinear Circuits 1995 Low-Noise, Low-Power, Low-Voltage Mixed Mode with CAD Trials Voltage, Current and Time References 1994 Low-Power Low Voltage Integrated Filters Smart power 1993 Mixed-Mode A/D Design Sensor Interfaces Communications Circuits 1992 Op Amps ADC s Analog CAD We hope to serve the analog design community with these series of books and plan to continue this series in the future.Yet the time inherent in the text's narrative unsettles the spatial self drawn by the maps and so creates a novel self, one which is both new and literary.Insects not only are a tasty and versatile ingredient in the kitchen, but also are full of protein.We must never give up'.For the first time a book brings together the world's leading writers on the history of cocaine.