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Read online ebook Acute and Critical Care Nurse Practitioner : Cases in Diagnostic Reasoning in TXT, DOC, DJV


"The acute and critical care nurse practitioner s essential case-based guide to developing differential diagnoses""Acute & Critical Care Nurse Practitioner: Cases in Diagnostic Reasoning" presents a wide range of acute and critical care patient cases focusing on diagnosis and management. This authoritative book is designed to help nurse practitioners and students learn how to develop an accurate differential diagnosis and management plan using diagnostic reasoning. The cases highlight a comprehensive variety of system-based patient conditions and diseases in acute and critical care settings and are written by expert nurse practitioners who methodically demonstrate their diagnostic reasoning process. Readers are guided through the process of constructing a differential diagnosis using information from the chief complaint, history of present illness, past medical history, review of systems, physical examination findings, and selected diagnostic results. Through reconstructing the course of real-life clinical cases, the authors think out loud and reveal how they identify pertinent positives and significant negatives to support or refute items on their differential diagnosis list, and how they further refine potential diagnoses as additional patient information and laboratory and diagnostic exam results are introduced.Along with pertinent case information, authors include case analysis questions and salient discussion points that enable learners to actively participate in both inductive and deductive reasoning to work toward a correct diagnosis. The first of its kind, "Acute & Critical Care Nurse Practitioner: Cases in Diagnostic Reasoning" is an essential and key learning and teaching resource for students, clinicians, and clinical faculty to master the art of diagnostic reasoning. Includes 71 cases based on real-life clinical scenariosTeaches how to develop and sharpen diagnostic reasoning skillsWritten by experienced expert nurse practitioners working in acute & critical care settingsCases can be used to support course work, certification review, and job trainingEndorsed by the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses (AACN)", The ultimate, case-based guide for learning and teaching the art of diagnostic reasoning for acute and critical care nurse practitioners Written by experienced nurse practitioners working in acute and critical care settings,and endorsed by the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses (AACN), Acute & Critical Care Nurse Practitioner:Cases in Diagnostic Reasoning presents a wide range of acute and critical care patient cases focusing on diagnosis and management. This authoritative book is designed to help nurse practitioners and students learn how to proceed from a broad differential diagnosis to a specific management plan through expert analysis of patient data. While reconstructing the course of real-life clinical cases, the authors "think out loud" and reveal how they identify pertinent positives and significant negatives to support or refute items on their differential diagnoses list, and further incorporate laboratory and diagnostic testing results to establish a medical diagnosis. Each case includes a description of the management for the identified diagnosis. INCLUDES: 71 cases based on real-life clinical scenarios Analysis questions and case discussions to enable learners to actively participate ininductive and deductive reasoning Cases that can be used to support course work, certification review, and job training The first of its kind, Acute & Critical Care Nurse Practitioner: Cases in Diagnostic Reasoning is an essential learning and teaching resource for students, clinicians, and clinical faculty to master the art of diagnostic reasoning.

Suzanne Burns - Acute and Critical Care Nurse Practitioner : Cases in Diagnostic Reasoning read online MOBI, PDF, DOC

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