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Read Contributions to Statistics: Time Series Analysis and Forecasting : Selected Contributions from the ITISE Conference 0 (2016, Hardcover) in EPUB, FB2


This volume presents selected peer-reviewed contributions from The International Work-Conference on Time Series, ITISE 2015, held in Granada, Spain, July 1-3, 2015. It discusses topics in time series analysis and forecasting, advanced methods and online learning in time series, high-dimensional and complex/big data time series as well as forecasting in real problems.The International Work-Conferences on Time Series (ITISE) provide a forum for scientists, engineers, educators and students to discuss the latest ideas and implementations in the foundations, theory, models and applications in the field of time series analysis and forecasting. It focuses on interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary research encompassing the disciplines of computer science, mathematics, statistics and econometrics.

Ebook Contributions to Statistics: Time Series Analysis and Forecasting : Selected Contributions from the ITISE Conference 0 (2016, Hardcover) by in PDF

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